Online Conference «Global Hands-on Universe»
The "Planets In Your Hand" team participated in the Global Hands-on Universe Conference (GHOU), where teachers, students, educators, and other scientists from all around the world attended. The aim of the conference was to share ideas and modern ways of teaching STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) among the participants. Our team with Dr. Kosmas Gazeas and Maria Panagopoulou presented the program "Planets In Your Hand", as well as its impact on the public, and received positive comments from the participants. The presentation is available in English through the following link:

Online International Conference EPSC 2020
The "Planets In Your Hand" team participated in the European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) that took place online in September 2020, presenting the impact that the exhibition has on the public. This work was presented by Dimitris Athanasopoulos, Dr. Kosmas Gazeas, Sophie Palafouta, Maria Panagopoulou, Konstantina Vrontaki and Argyro Papadami and remains available in English at the following link:

Science Communication Award - ΕΠΙ^2 2019

One more important distinction for the Planets In Your Hand program! On September 27, 2019, during the Researcher’s Night event at the Cultural Centre “Hellenic Cosmos”, our team was distinguished for its contribution to science communication by winning the Science Communication Award (EPI^2 Award 2019) in the category “Awareness Activities and Campaigns”.
Your constant interest in our program and the planetary science itself, makes us better and impels us to more and better events. We are grateful to the organizers, the hundreds of visitors and the members of our team for their valuable help.

International Conference EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019
The "Planets In Your Hand" team participated in the EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019, organised by European Planetary Science Congress and Division for Planetary Sciences του American Astronomical Society, and held in Geneva, Switzerland in September 2019. Kosmas Gazeas and Dimitris Athanasopoulos presented the program "Planets In Your Hand" and its educational activities.
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Outstanding Student Poster Award - OSPA 2018
The "Planets In Your Hand" team participated in the European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) in Berlin, Germany on September 16-21, 2018, presenting with poster the first constructions of planetary surfaces. The team talked enthusiastically about the groundbreaking program with the embossed features of the planets and received the OSPA award 2018 (Outstanding Student Poster Award) for their work excellence and presentation during the conference. As a result, our team was invited to attend the next EPSC 2019 conference in Geneva, Switzerland.
The award encourages us to continue presenting our work and improve ourselves. We warmly thank the organizers and the members of the jury!

Pan-European Award at the Europlanet Funding Scheme 2017 competition
In 2017, the Science Communication Team, called "Planets In Your Hand", was created in the Physics Department of the University of Athens. The educational proposal of our team is acknowledged by the European Planetary network Europlanet, in the framework of the Europlanet Funding Scheme 2017. In this competition our team was distinguished among others, awarded and funded for the construction of planetary surfaces and the simulation of the different conditions prevailing in each planet of our Solar System.