English » Awards and Conferences » ENEFET 2021


Planets In Your Hand team member Maria Panagopoulou participated in the 12th Conference of Science Teaching and Technology in Education, which was organized by the Association for Education in Science and Technology, with a paper titled «Planets In Your Hand: An interactive exhibition of our Solar System for citizens» (presented in greek with title: «Planets In Your Hand: Μία διαδραστική έκθεση του Ηλιακού μας Συστήματος για τους πολίτες»). On November 21 st 2021 the attendees were informed about the foundation of the Planets In Your Hand team, the conception and implementation of the idea of the interactive exhibition, the goals of this program and mainly about the reactions and impressions of its visitors. A very extensive and constructive discussion followed between the attendees who showed their interest in the interactive exhibition and the team in general.