

The Planets In Your Hand (PIYH) team is one of the most active science communication groups in the Department of Physics of the NKUA. Our team was founded in 2017 when a group of students submitted a proposal for the "Europlanet Funding Scheme 2017" organized by Europlanet, the European network of planetary science. Our proposal was evaluated, distinguished among many others and awarded, receiving funding for its implementation.

The idea of the proposal, "Planets in Your Hand", was funded by Europlanet to build specially designed exhibits, in order to simulate the  different conditions that exist on every planet of our Solar System.

In the competition of 2017, our team proposed to make planetary surface models, in the form of frames, presenting the specifications of each planet of our Solar System. The frames will be presented in different places (schools, universities, institutes, etc.) and will function as an interactive exhibit. This will enable all visitors, even people with disabilities, to see, learn and understand through the touch and vision the specificities of each planet.


This website has been created as a part of the implementation of the proposal as well as social media such as facebook, instagram and twitter. Announcements for the progression will be posted of the proposal through these means of communication.
