Uranus is the seventh planet of our Solar System. Its orbit around the Sun is at 84 years, while turning around himself in 17 hours. Like Venus, it rotates backwards from East to West.
The core of Uranus is a solid core of iron, nickel and sulfur. It is surrounded by a mantle of water and ammonia, above which there is the atmosphere of 300 kilometers and consists mainly of methane, hydrogen and helium. Its upper atmosphere has a temperature of -233 ° C making Uranus the coldest planet in the Solar System. These extreme temperatures create winds up to 820 kilometers per hour. Astrophysicists believe that the extreme pressure of more than 8000 kilometers, breaks down hydrocarbons to form diamonds, which then sink deeper into the interior of the planet. This phenomenon obviously cannot be observed directly
Its main characteristic is that its axis of rotation is almost parallel to its plane of orbit having, as a result, day and night respectively, to last for 42 years, that is the time it needs to make half the circle around the Sun.
Like other gas giants, it has satellites and faint rings. In particular, it has 27 well-known satellites, which get their names from heroes of Shakespeare and Pope (Ariel, Titania, Ophelia, Juliet, Francisco etc.). It has a complex system of 13 rings consisting of extremely dark particles ranging from a few micrometers to a few fractions of a meter.
The magnetic field of Uranus is bipolar but has two odd features, one that the dipole axis is inclined with the axis of rotation by 59 ° and two, that the center of the dipole is not the same with the center of the planet. This unusual geometry results in an extremely asymmetric magnetosphere, where the magnitude of the magnetic field on the surface in the southern hemisphere can be as low as 0,1 Gauss, while in the northern hemisphere it can be as high as 1,1 Gauss.
Uranus has only been visited by Voyager 2 (1986), since then there have been no other space mission.